No country, however, can make such an economic and military jump forward without buckets of blood. China is the biggest importer of Sudanese oil. china is the biggest financial supporter of the corrupt and oppressive Burmese government. China is a supporter of Kim Jong Il in North Korea for they want peace on all their borders Chinese products sold in the United States and around the world have proven to be toxic at best and lethal at worst. China's government is very beneficial to the very small urban population of the country, but keeps the vast majority of its rural population in medieval times. An estimated 900 million Chinese are rural farmers; their number more than doubles that of those living in the cities (an estimated 400 million).
Perhaps worst of all, however, is China's support, whether explicitly or tacitly of the corrupt and oppressive governments of Burma and Sudan. The guns used for genocide in Dar Fur on are bought from China and the Sudanese government makes millions and is legitimized by selling most of its oil to China. China will do nothing to oust government in Burma that said results of a democratic election in 1988 were not valid. It has, by extension, supported a government that forces its own citizens into slavery with rape, imprisonment and death as the only alternatives to a life of enslavement.
So, what is to be done? I have a fairly simple solution. Since no one watches the Olympics anymore anyways, I suggest that we all boycott the Beijing Olympics. China has done nothing to earn the Olympics and sowing millions into an already corrupt country will only reap more corruption. American athletes should not go. American athletes have nothing to prove; we know we can destroy everybody in basketball, track and field, etc. If America truly wants to take a stand against a totalitarian and corrupt regime, it will not sponsor of send athletes of Beijing in August. If there is one things human beings are good at, it is repeating mistakes. Supporting the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be repeating the mistake of supporting Hitler's 1936 Berlin Olympics. Let's not have blood on our hands again in the name of sporting competition.