Saturday, April 28, 2007

Profiles in Cowardice

HOORAY! This week, the Senate approved a $124 billion Iraq war spending bill. This meager amount of cash would mean that troop withdrawal would have to start July 1, or October 1 at the latest. The Democrats in both Houses of Congress hailed this as a "victory". A victory? Really? I cannot recall a time when a victory for Congress was pandering to the Commander in Chief. I feel all the members of Congress need a little history lesson, or more accurately, a reading lesson. Article I, Section VIII of the Constitution of the United States says in part, "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;". The power to "provide for the common defense" also means that Congress has the right to not exercise that power. Even Caesar needed money for his wars, and Bush sure ain't no Caesar. The Democrats are so frickin' scared of being labeled "unpatriotic" by President Bush and his cronies.

One of the most loathed Senators in American history was Joe McCarthy from Wisconsin who started and flamed the Red Scare with his interrogation of hundreds of so-called "communists". He was a crazy alcoholic, but at least he had balls. He was even willing to challenge the President of the United States as a softy on communism. Now, those in Congress are so concerned about their images and not their convictions. Congress now seems like "American Idol" for the ugly and untalented. It's all about getting re-elected and looking like a "good guy". Politics needs to stop being a career. There should be a limit of 1 term ever for each member of the House or Senate. Maybe then, without having to worry about being re-elected, would their testicles drop for the first time since puberty. My point is this: politicians in Washington could care less about public service and only wish to serve themselves. They are supposed to be the best and the brightest; they are the mediocre and the dim.

Love him or hate him, Thomas Jefferson said this, ""The happiness and prosperity of our citizens... is the only legitimate object of government and the first duty of governors." Soldiers who come back with two of four limbs can neither be happy nor prosperous. Our government and our governors have failed us all. They could start mending the wound by demanding an immediate end to this war. They control the funds. Stop paying for it. Stop making it sounds like it is such a complicated process because I don't really see how it use. Just do the job the Constitution deems you do. No money = troops home. Everything else you say is just bullshit rhetoric. Invading Iraq was never for "the common defense" of America. Most of you sissy Democrats signed off on it without question and without studying the history of one of the most dysfunctional countries in world history (I'm talking about Iraq, remember Afghanistan?). Now is your chance to make right on your egregious error.

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